Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Words your social worker should not hear....

"Do you want to go back in your cage"? Now that would've been real awkward explaining to the social worker . You can check out anytime you want but you can never leave... You're our little prisoner's now girls!! kidding. The Eagles wrote the song specifically for us. *wink*

No, we don't have a cage for the girls, although....well I won't go there... hee hee. We do have gates set up to keep them out of certain rooms.. Like the dang wine cart. It never fails when we let them "out" they are always over playing with my wine bottles. Hmmm.

Anyway they will stand and hang over their "cage" and yell "mommy, mommy, mommy" until they have my full attention. Music to my ears, unless they're crying. Where is daddy when you need him?

I was in the kitchen last night trying to come up with something new to throw together for dinner. You know, keep it exciting. (or is that in the bedroom??) Anyway, girls were fussing in the other room with one another and about to push me right over the edge. So, the solution , er well I thought at the time was to let them out and into the kitchen (gasp) with mommy. I thought it would be big fun for the girls --what a mistake---to play in the kitchen while mommy started dinner. Under normal circumstances this would've been ok. BUT Jeff had gone for a quick (secretly escaping the three of us) run so I was all alone. Really alone. Must have had a temporary brain lapse as anyone who knows me knows my kitchen is NOT child proofed. (we really are going to get around to proofing it...must find time). Girls were in all the cupboards and drawers, one was in the dog dish (typical) and the other in the pantry or under the sink. It was serious comedy central trying to keep them out of everything. I was perspiring heavily counting down the minutes until Jeff would miraculously walk through the door and rescue me. The girls were totally unfazed by my ranting and raving arms flailing and talking to myself. Which seemed to only encourage them to laugh, and wrap themselves around my legs and beg for "juice, juice, juice" as if it were a cocktail. ha ha. We taught them to "click" their juice glasses and say "cheers". So, guess what they do now every time they have juice?! We've created manamals...

Prince Charming walks in the house all smelly and sweaty unprepared for the scene we had in the kitchen. As he saunters in and asks why the girls are in the kitchen he casually hands me the final post placement report. Be still heart of mine. I swear my heart skipped a beat. Did I think they would take them back? I mean, they are our girls. I don't think they've(Katie and Abbey) called China lately asking to be re-matched. They do spend an ornate amount of time on their cell phones. Of course speaking a language that only they understand. Should I be worried?

We must have passed the parenting test or fooled our social worker. Which is more likely the case. They were on their very best behavior. But of course. They had a new audience member and preformed the performance of their life. Academy award winning. *wink* Julia Roberts you got nothing on these two!! Seriously...

For the record I am their real mommy and I'm about as "real" as they get.. cough cough.... but they are mine. I'm the one with my darling hubby too who crawls out of bed at 2am to rock them or give them cough medicine when they're chocking or just plain don't feel well or need a hug from mommy. I'm the one who loves them , bathes them, feeds them, and who will make sure they are educated. Even when they might not want to be... But, dammit I will put up a good fight trying. I hope they always know how much they were wanted and loved. Cause, I'm their mommy.


D2 said...

Isn't it fun to have totally adorable children? Makes it easy to have totally adorable pictures on your blog! How sad for parents of ugly kids (giggle - oops). :-)

It's funny - I never questioned whether I was their real father... that seems so patently obvious to me. They peed on me, they puked on me, they kicked me in my... I mean they kicked me, they scratched my face, they jumped on my full stomach and I still get up every time they cry at night. Of course I'm their real father!

As for having them in the kitchen - we always joked their first sentence would be "close that drawer" (mach die Schublade zu). They've heard that one a million times...

insanemommy said...

I think Jeff has been hit "down there" too...

You know I was thinking the same thing! It is great having gorgeous kids. And unfortunately I can't take any of the gene pool credit......haha..

Anonymous said...

This post is so touching...funny and really touching.
We have some rooms (ie our master bath) that are so-not child-proofed. Ah well, can't get everything done....