Sunday, November 09, 2008


Like so many of you I feel as if it were all a dream. The exhaustion from worrying and fretting if we were going to win has consumed me. The alternative could have been much worse.... BUT, he won. Yes, we won. Fair and square. What a feeling. So, it should be no surprise that I have already expressed my interest here too. The chicks say "Barack's your friend, right mommy and our President"? Warms my heart. BUT, this... well this just makes me sick. Yuk. Let.Them.Be. Why do people feel they need to stick their noses in where it doesn't belong? Why was it allowed on the ballot? Equal rights for all. I see absolutely nothing --- NOTHING --- wrong with same sex union. Stop the hate. Move on.....


Snowflowers Mum said...

who strips away a human right already in place? It should never have been on the ballot. What are 'they' scared of?

they should be scared of themsleves.

Shiite Christians!

There are good solid Christians out there, then there are extremists...just like there are Islamic extremists...yeah...they kind of look the same don't they.

hmmm...maybe it's time these crazies go back to stocking up on poptarts and digging their bunkers.

Praise God for Obama...I do.

Shari said...

Amen Sister!

Jewels of My Heart said...

Oh, Ronnie.... you know I love you. We do not share the same political views. So I have not been leaving comments because I understand that this is your blog and you are free to post what ever you choose. I understand if you choose not to post my comment.
I want to tell you first off that I am leaving this in love, not in hate. Yes, there are people out there who hate. Which is something the Lord tells us we are NOT to do! We are to hate the sin and love the sinner. God is a God of love and His truth is absolute.... wether you or I choose to believe it or not does not change the fact that it is true. The Bible is the word of God. He is a loving God and He is holy. He hates sin but loves the sinner.... so much that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins (because we ALL have sinned) so that we can be forgiven. True Christians are not hate monggers. We do not hate people who choose to practice homosexuality. We do recognize it as an abomination before God because He states this very thing more than once in His word. Marriage is a sacred covenent ordained by God between a man and a woman. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. We all are. However it breaks my heart that when a Christian takes a stand on the morals and principals of the One and Only true God's word, that when we choose to be Biblically correct as oppossed to politically correct that we are labled by so many as being filled with hate. This my friend is a lie from the pit of hell. satan is very good at twisting and perverting God's truth and also at deceiving people.
I have had many friends in my life that have practiced homosexuality. Friends that I have loved. I do not hate them.... I do hate what they are doing. I hate that they have been deceived and yes, I pray that they find the truth, turn from this sin and that they one day choose the plans that Jesus has for them. I am leaving this comment in hopes that perhaps someone might read it and realize that just because someone takes a stand on the word of God it does not mean that they are filled with hatred. Quite the contrary. It is out of love.... first and foremost for the love of God Allmighty and for the love of mankind. So..... I pray that our country will not allow same sex marriages. We are a Nation that was founded on Godly principles but are turning from Him in so many ways that it breaks my heart.
I love you friend,
You are in my heart and my prayers.

Brave Sir Robin said...

These measures are on the ballot to assure the bat-shit crazy legions of the base get out and vote in an other-wise unwinnable state, or in a toss-up state when the base is ho-hum about the candidate.

Oh, and some of them are just plain haters - nothing Christ-like here, move along.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I am with Sharie... amen sister...

Katie J said...


Kathryn said...

Rony, It seems you and I are always on the same page. I have some dear friends who are gay and in a committed relationship and they deserve the same rights as everyone else.

shelley said...

I really don't understand discrimination of any kind. It makes me sad for our future.

Kristi said...

Prop 8 in California wasn't about same-sex unions but the definition of the word "marriage." California is actually one of the few states that has legal rights for "civil unions." The voters passed an amendment to the state constitution adding a definition of "marriage" as a union between a man and a woman. Then there was a lawsuit and the California Supreme Court said the amendment was unconstitutional. Then it was back on the ballot and the voters again said that "marriage" is between a man and a woman in the election last week.

The whole thing has been about the definition of a word. (And yes, "marriage" does give couples rights and privileges. So do civil unions.) And each side spent more than $80 million just on this past election. Can you imagine what you could do, who you could help, what you could accomplish with $160 million?!

I'm not offering an opinion on prop 8 here just clarifying that it was about the definition of the word marriage.

Oh, and Barack does not approve of same-sex marriage and has said he will not support it.

insanemommy said...

Kristi -- Anyway you say it, it should never have been up for debate. Waste of energy. Waste of money. Yes, I know what Barack supports and doesn't. I do not necessarily agree with everything he does. :)

Kristy said...

Rony even thought we don't see eye to eye on this issue, I love the heck out of you, I love your spunk and I love your passion!!

Love and blessings, Kristy

Kristi said...


I totally agree that it was a ridiculous waste of money. $160 million! Can you even fathom how much money that is or what could have been done with that money instead? Think of the people that could have been helped with that money.

I am always suspicious of anyone who wants to change the constitution, whether it's a state constitution or our national constitution.

Snowflowers Mum said...

what I find amusing is the assumtion that people like ourselves that take point with certain subjects are immediately called on it, and then pointed out to us that our 'candidate' doesn't agree with us...

last time I checked, we were of the HUMAN persuasion, not ovis aries?

I guess evolution trickles down in some places.

OH MY #6 said...

Discrimination of any kind is horrible. Thank you for this post.


PS. I tagged you to be my friend on facebook. Just in case you wonder who the heck I am!

Snowflowers Mum said...

one more thing Rony...

does the thirteenth amendment ring a bell?

times change, we evolve...or at least I like to believe that.

this is not a fad. It's life and I think Keith Olbermann said it best last night on his special comment.

we can not move foward without looking back. We learn from our mistakes.

Who today is not horrified by the injustices of slavery, or how we treated African Americans even 40 years ago during the civil rights movement...

all I'm we need to stop being so polarized and start thinking of the bigger picture.

insanemommy said...

Don't forgot 14 and 15.

Snowflowers Mum said...

I would we feel if we still considered African Americans 3/5th of a human?

Heather said...

Biblically correct, Daleea? I don't want to start a war of words in Rony's comment section, but I can't let this one stand. Homosexuality is an abomination -- so sayeth the Lord? If we are going to be "Biblically correct" concerning interpretations of translated and retranslated Biblical texts, you should also note that the Bible commands death for any child who curses his parents, for adulterers, for unmarried girls who are not virgins (death by stoning), for those who work on Sunday... the Bible also supports slavery, the beating of slaves, the complete submission of women to men.

Let's not selectively pick and choose the Bible texts we are going to hide behind. And it is posisbelt o be a Christian without holding these extreme beliefs.

insanemommy said...

Heather, that would be my point exactly. We can not pick and choose which verses appeal to us or which ones we wish to enforce. It's not a multiple choice. I maintain my stance on this one. Those who are picketing are in the name of "hate". It is not THEIR place to judge ANYONE. Their is only one person who earned the right to judge anyone. If you're going to live by the bible then that should be the "whole" bible. ALL of it.

Kristi, although it was an exhorbent amount of money the actual cost by both parties combined for prop 8 is actually closer to 70 million - according to wikepedia.... :)

crazylady said...

you've taken over my role as official shit disturber. I bow to you.

Fanning myself over the flames.

Elyssium Earth said...

HOLY SHIT. all I can say is Jesus loved EVERYONE. Yeah? yeah! Let's say it together ev-er-y-one. Judgement? Not our job.

Jane said...

Go Roni! For the life of me I will never understand how someone can say what is a real relationship, or a real family. Shouldn't we be in favor of loving commited relationships regardless? On another front, I hope to meet you over the Thanksgiving holidays, I found out that we also have other friends in common, Sharon and Ed Koorbusch who have adopted from China and live in River Creek...such a small workd

Heza Hekele said...

What about Buddah? Why is north america so enamored by just one religion inspiring human being? There is such a huge picture out there if you can get the guts to look outside your own religion and/or beliefs. The bible has been translated and edited so many times, it can not be taken literally. Secondly, for all it's wealth of good and wonder, it has also encouraged people to kill and torture and fight in the name of religion for over 2000 years. We are bigger than this, people. The human race is capable of more.

Maddness of Me said...

I don't understand how there are so many people who think they are experts on what traits you are or aren't born with.

It's a question, so why not leave it alone? Why assume anyone has the answer. If somebody tells me "I'm gay, I was born this way just like you were born with green eyes"", then who am I to tell them how to live their life?

I don't understand what is wrong with people. Who cares what other people do with their personal life anyway? Why so interested? Why not just leave them alone?

Some days, humanity makes me cry.

Elyssium Earth said...

Hey I'm not sayin Buddah's not cool. I just love Jesus too. And it's not the fundamentalist Buddhists that have this need to fight. Buddha would've let us all be. And Be. And love it. :)