Hear Momma Roar!
You know when "Rony-hear-me-now-hear-me-roar" shows her teeth they're really big be afraid. You might have remembered my earlier post this week bitching grumbling about our community swimming pool?! Well, our Club House Manager came out of hiding and returned my phone call. It Had nothing to do with me stalking him, or how I might have mentioned to the receptionist that he never returns calls. Or e-mails.!! Nice. It just eeked out. I couldn't help myself. I'm like that. Anyway, he must have heard about my charming personality. Insert big grin. So I proceeded to share with him my life history concerns and he
was receptive. Not that it had a thing to do with anything but, well, he had to be. Besides I needed a little adult conversation, even if it were one sided. He had no where to run. I had him cornered like a pit bull. We do pay his salary. I think it might have also had something to do with me mentioning my "meds". At any rate I had a captivated audience. I'm sure he was sitting in his office rolling his eyes. But you know when you start talking to people about "human life" I think it does have a certain impact. Right? I've been told I'm a bit dramafied when I am trying to making a point. Surprised? I think I may have even invited him to dinner or was it drinks?! Note to self; should probably let fh know. Anyway, I didn't want him to think I was a total nut bag. Fh says it's already been confirmed. Needles to
say I was grinning from ear to ear today when I saw the welcome sign(I know it was for me) starring at me as we entered the kiddie pool. It could have been the "Red Carpet for all I cared. Totally impressed when the "hot swanky lifeguards" flexed their muscles and gave us moms a thrill by tossing the big kids out of the kiddie pool. I found myself smiling and thinking "yeah, when Rony Roars People Do Listen. Lol. Mission accomplished. It was considerably a great day even after that one dumb question from "hot skinny mommy" . She had asked where the girls were from and I politely said China. But threw me for a loop when she asked if we would be teaching them Spanish?! Um, Spain, China not close. At all. I know I must have had that deer in headlights look on my face when I said "um, nooooo, we had considered Chinese being they are from China. She looked at me and smiled and said "Oh". She really didn't have a clue .......Seriously. But Spanish? They don't even resemble.
Congratulations! All of the children concerned will be safer. It's not safe for the older kids to be running around like that either. Go girl!
All I have to say like RMJ You Go Girl! Poor Guy! LOL
Girl, you scared him silly. Good for you!!
I'm lioness hear me rrrooaarr.
Good stuff, roaring Rony.
Job well done, Rony. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
My two pitties would beg to differ on the pit bull in a corner reference though. Don't believe the hype.
LOL -- Love the spanish story:) HeHe -- what a airhead !! The girls look adorable with there serious looks !!
way to go! Now you can have more fun at the pool... It has always irritated me as well for big kids to play on the baby stuff...
Love the pic. Such sweet babies...
Way to go. Never make a mom of multiples mad!!!
Hey at least someone had the nerve to talk to him.Way to go.
Hope things are better now.
Way to stick with it and make a difference. For all those times you get fed up- it is nice to see a bit of justice done. Now we need you to be our abassador for China????
You Go Girl!!!!
Way to give them an earful.
Way to get it done! You should sign your name on the bottom of that sign on the pool fence...
We need to call you Mama Bear! Thanks for helping out all the young children and making the pool safer for them. I wish more people would "step up to the plate" - more wrongs would be righted if this were the case!
I love your site!
Mary McG
in TN
LOL! The looks on the girls faces says it all. I am still laughing...love the music too! Takes me back to good ol' high school and my days on the cheer squad!
I can hear your roar all the way over here...love it! You gotta look out for the little cutie-pies, afterall.
(I had to scroll down to find your original post on this issue...I can't believe I missed it!)
Mission accomplished.... the little ones are free to play without fear...
Are you drunk with your new found power????? hehee
I personally have been known to be a She Bear with Rabies protecting her baby cubs.... and some might say I tend to be a tad bit DRAMATIC! teehee
Good Job! Thank heavens for Mom's like you.
Way to bust some balls, Tank Girl!
Rip-Roarin' Rony!
Watch Out People!
You Go Girl! He never stood a chance. (Neither does anyone else at that pool. They'd better watch out!) I love the pictures of the sign. Your girls are looking at you like "Where are you going". Too cute.
I am always surprised when I complain and actually get listened to!
well done you :)
Oh yeah.....kick some a$$! I have a feeling you and I could blow some hair back roaring together! ;)
Just pisses me off when you have to tell parents to WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!!!
You crack me up! And the drink invite... perhaps he was thinking if he scratched your back...???? Hmm???
I like the sign and am glad you where the squeaky wheel for change, only I wonder how long until the offended party tears it off?
Do they know it's directed to them? Have they been back?
PS where is the photo of the lifeguard???
I need photos!
Good for you! (and all the kids who will now be safer)
You go Rony!!! :)
*love* the sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! I am doing the Happy Dance for you right now. Love So Love this story. You SO Rock!! :)
Jeepers, we're now talking hours from now before our Big Trip. KD here we come....
PS i put a few...not many...but a few pics of wedding on my blog.... :)
I want you to move to my 'hood. We need you and your lioness ways at our pool as well. Hello, Lifeguard? I think you are ASLEEP???!!! That really happened.
Thank you so much for coming by my blog today! I've seen you over at secret agent's and can't believe I haven't made it over here before. Definitely nice to know there are other people who met and married at a later age!
P.S. Love your girls!
Una cerveza por favor.
A lot of roaring goin' down this week.
atta girl
Roar mama, roar! I love it!! My bro and SIL live in Potomac and I took my 12 m/o niece to their community pool. I had a similar experience when it was time out in the "big pool". I wasn't sure who I wanted to drown more - the parent's not watching or the kids trying to kill my little Pun'kin!!! I went Aunt Bear (who can be almost as vicious as Mama Bear!) on them.
I'll be sure to keep Ft. Lauderdale company for you! Feel free to visit anytime. :)
Your girlies are lucky to have you as their Mommy! I'm glad the pool is safe now for your girls.
Spanish?? Whao! you sure get funny questiones. By the way, I am teaching Emma Spanish. Poor Emma she now says "house-casa" (both words at the same time)when she sees our house!
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