Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cruella de Ville

Evil. Yep, that's what I feel like this morning! My ever so cute sweet utterly adorable Abbey (but of course) was up all night. Literally. And so was mommy. Hence the mood.

8:00pm the girls are in the bed. We give kissy face good night kisses and daddy and I walk out of room and close door. Abbey immediately pops her head up and starts screaming. I open the door and say "shh, shh, nighty, night". I tip toe downstairs. She continues to screams for 30-40 minutes before finally falling off to sleep. This has been going on, well longer than I'd like to admit.

11:00pm "What was that"? Uh, crap, it's Abbey again. She's screaming. I go check on her. Pat her butt for a few minutes and she falls back asleep. I crawl out of room and hope that I don't trip on something.

3:00am. "It can't be". I roll over and look at Jeff (who by the way sleeps with the machine--sleep apnea) and I clearly see there is no movement from him. He hears nothing. He's in slumber land. Naturally. I crawl once again outta bed and go check on Abbey. Again pat her on the back and quietly tell her to "shh, shh". G-d help me if she wakes up peanut. Back to bed I go.

6:30am. "No, no, no". She's up again. I can barely muster the energy to fall out of the bed. Too tired. I walk into her room and she is standing in the crib screaming at the top of her lungs. I look over at Katie and she is sound asleep. How can this kid not be awake? Always my good sleeper. Of course I couldn't get lucky and have two good sleepers. I pick Abbey up and kiss her little head. She pats my back as if to say "I'm glad you're here mommy". I lye her back down in her crib and cover her up. Once again I crawl back into bed. I only have a few minutes before I need to get ready for work.

Needless to say I am feeling (as my dear friend Rob would say) a little like Cruella de Ville this morning. I have two contract appointments today. I desperately hope that my mood does not shine through... Note to self: Take mood enhancers before leaving house!

Must get more sleep tonight.


crazylady said...

ear infection? The milk thing. Or growing pains? Meg has had two nights like that this week with moaning semisleep state. Tempra worked. They are eating+++ and growing again. Help me Lord. Now resemble 4 and 5 year olds.

kitchu said...

Hope those mood enhancers helped! What a NIGHT...

I think right now I'm feeling glad I'm only adopting ONE!

"M2" said...

Ha HA!
I need enhancement for different reasons... care to share??

Yoli said...

Oh woman I feel for you. I know how that is, for some reason my great sleeper has now turned into a monster. She gets up every two hours screaming and crying. I am exhausted.

Nikki said...

Thanks for stopping by.
Looks like you and I had similar nights -- I only have one but she has NEVER been a good sleeper, so I can feel your pain. I am a grump today too -- pass the mood enhancers!

Your girls are both beautiful!

Jewels of My Heart said...

I hate sleep deprivation! I feel for you. It does make my heart smile when Hannah pats my back as I hold her in my arms.... Hang in there friend. She's only woke up once so far tonight... I figure I have 2-4 more times to go.
Sweet Dreams

Diana said...

I feel for you, happens over here too......I think it may be their 2 year molars.....we give Tempra ...g*d I hate those nights..they say we will forget...

Lesley Barr Photography said...

We're back in sleepless land tonight. It's only 9pm and they've already both been awake twice. Another LONG night. Yay! Not.

Sam said...

Oh yeah. Been there, done that, still doing it. You would think that 18 months with us would fix the problem, but nooooooo. It bites! I'm so glad school is out. Now I can be in a coma and Cullen will get his sister out of her crib, give her a sippy of milk, and change her nappy! Then he will check for a pulse on me. I love my 10-year-old!!!

Steffie B. said...

Sophia went through a phase like that last nearly killed me....I chug donw the MH too! Did you try my blog in Internet Explorer? Your missing several posts girlfriend....and you know that I'm so darn funny! ;) Especially my semi driver post......hmmmmm

Calico Sky said...

Oh poor you, as it got to the 6:30am thing I was thinking 'oh well maybe she can sleep in'....then you said work and I thought, 'oh sh*t!'!
Poor you!!!!!

Laura said...

I feel your pain. I have one very bad sleeper and now it's just become the norm. Sigh... What I'd give for a full night's sleep.

RamblingMother said...

Sorry to hear about the crappy night. Hope you all sleep better tonight.


Carolyn said...

For me, sleep deprivation is the worst part of parenting...
Your girls are gorgeous!! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Jeff and Valerie said...

Oh gosh so sorry about your horrible night! I hope Abbey sleeps soundly tonight ... and you too!